Menu and internal links not showing the right page

15 years 7 months ago #3817 by beh9633

I downloade SEF Advance trial version to see if this will work on my site. I've encountered menu and internal links not showing up the right page and I cant seem to fix it.

I've read this from your faqs section:

How to link correctly in Joomla! / Mambo?
When you create an internal hyperlink in your Joomla! or Mambo (4.5.1 or higher) content always enter a relative, non-sef URL. A correct example would be:
<a href="index.php?option=com_content...">link</a>

My question now is how to i set or insert those "<a href ..." on my menu item in the menu manager in joomla?

Or am i missing something?

I will buy this component if you can help me fix my problem on menu/internal links to show up properly.

I have like 270 pages in my website and i totally need SEF Advance to help me make it work.



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15 years 7 months ago #3819 by Saka
That FAQ item is for content items / articles only, not for menu.

Please post the exact links you get and possibly the domain so we can see the problem. Saying "not showing up the right page" doesn't hep much.

Emir Sakic

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