How I solved a problem in 1.5 / sefadcance and CB 1.2

15 years 7 months ago #3831 by klp29

Just wanted to let you know, that I solved something that has been a really, REALLY big problem to us.

We spent January migrating from 1.0 to 1.5 Joomla. In this proces, we also went for the 1.5 version of SefAdvance and also the new CB 1.2

On testserver, things went ok and we released this Saturday. When users came online, the server was completely overloaded all the time. We started studying server load and just 5-6 users would use 20% of our capacity. Normally, in 1.0 we could have 5.000 users online with no problem at all.

We started turning components, modules and plugins on/off ...... simpel "trial and error" and found out, that when Joomla SEF was turned on, things were really slow and serverload extreme. Without, no problem.

I tried turning it on and started changing SEFadvance setup and suddenly, it all runs smoothly.

It seems that the main difference is based on wether or not the Legacy setting is on or off in SefAdvance.

When Legacy sef off, huge problem - and users cannot even log in/out if CB is not ignored by Sefadvance.

When Legacy sef turned on, everything is smooth and fast, but CB users cannot login/out.

When Legacy sef turned on and CB is ignored, everything is fine.

When Legacy sef turned off, CB doesn't have to be ignored.

To my best knowledge, CB 1.2 is 1.5 native. But, for some reason, in backend it's not recognized by Joomla as a native componet.

Perhaps this is why the combination has to be Legacy sef ON and CB IGNORED?

This is just my guess but I will send this to Beat (CB developer) also for a comment.

:] Have a smiley day

Kenneth Lund

Using SefAdvanced at: - online weddingplanning - personal blog - social network for producers

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