Docman Extension

17 years 10 months ago - 17 years 10 months ago #338 by GabyZ
I can't find an sex_ext file for docman, can someone give us this? Many Thanks! PS: Sef Advance is great!!  :P
Another thing, how can i set Sef Advance to have urls with name articles/games/... instead of Articles/Games so with little characters..
Sorry for my bad english.

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17 years 10 months ago #344 by Saka
The available SEF Advance extensions that I know of are listed here:

Don't know if Docman extension is available yet, if anybody finds it please post here.

You can change URLs to lower-case in SEF Advance configurations > Preferences Tab > Lower case > Yes

Emir Sakic

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17 years 10 months ago #353 by GabyZ
Thanks . If I will find docman extension I will post it.

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17 years 10 months ago #361 by GabyZ
I saw that there is a document that explains how to create sef_ext and people say that isn't difficult. But i don't understand how to do this.. If anyone who knows php code cand do this for us..... and fos Sef Advance! I've red in other fourms that this estenxion will be usefull for lot of people.

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17 years 10 months ago #368 by Saka
The best place to start with is included sef_ext.php example file and readme.txt.
After that have a look at the extensions included in free components (like my Recommend and Userlist). These are very simple examples but once you get the idea you will be able to build it for more complex components too. For other examples look at:

Martin Brampton wrote a nice tutorial for writing SEF Advance extensions here:,com_mamb...iew/id,1605/catid,7/
Although the standard improved a little bit since the time he wrote it, it will still give you an idea.

Also if you would attach the Docman extension you found I can have a look and adapt it for SEF Advance when I catch some time.

Emir Sakic

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17 years 10 months ago - 17 years 10 months ago #376 by GabyZ
I've tried it, and instead of /option,com_docman/Itemid,106 it creates /docman/ for the menu but the urls are still not sef and there are lots of errors.
Thanks Saka for your patience

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