Fireboard pagination problem

15 years 7 months ago #3885 by klp29

I just realised that all our subpages in Fireboard (page 2 and beyond) doesn't work when SefAdvance is turned on.

It simply uses the same URL for alle pages.

Is there a fix to this?

:] Have a smiley day

Kenneth Lund

Using SefAdvanced at: - online weddingplanning - personal blog - social network for producers

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15 years 7 months ago #3887 by Saka
Fireboard version?

Emir Sakic

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15 years 7 months ago #3888 by klp29
1.0.5 RC2

:] Have a smiley day

Kenneth Lund

Using SefAdvanced at: - online weddingplanning - personal blog - social network for producers

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15 years 7 months ago #3889 by Saka
And you use the extension from my site? Which version is the extension for?

Emir Sakic

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15 years 7 months ago #3890 by klp29
The fileheader of sef_ext.php says:
<?php //00449
// Sakic.Net
// Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Emir Sakic,, All rights reserved.
// SEF Advance extension for Fireboard on Joomla! 1.5
if(!extension_loaded('ionCube Loader')){$__oc=strtolower(substr(php_uname(),0,3));$__ln='ioncube_loader_'.$__oc.'_'.substr(phpversion(),0,3).(($__oc=='win')?'.dll':'.so');@dl($__ln);if(function_exists('_il_exec')){return _il_exec();}$__ln='/ioncube/'.$__ln;$__oid=$__id=realpath(ini_get('extension_dir'));$__here=dirname(__FILE__);if(strlen($__id)>1&&$__id[1]==':'){$__id=str_replace('\\','/',substr($__id,2));$__here=str_replace('\\','/',substr($__here,2));}$__rd=str_repeat('/..',substr_count($__id,'/')).$__here.'/';$__i=strlen($__rd);while($__i--){if($__rd[$__i]=='/'){$__lp=substr($__rd,0,$__i).$__ln;if(file_exists($__oid.$__lp)){$__ln=$__lp;break;}}}@dl($__ln);}else{die('The file '.__FILE__." is corrupted.\n");}if(function_exists('_il_exec')){return _il_exec();}echo('Site error: the file <b>'.__FILE__.'</b> requires the ionCube PHP Loader '.basename($__ln).' to be installed by the site administrator.');exit(199);


:] Have a smiley day

Kenneth Lund

Using SefAdvanced at: - online weddingplanning - personal blog - social network for producers

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15 years 7 months ago #3891 by Saka
What does the readme.txt file in the zip say? :)

Emir Sakic

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