Joomla rel="canonical"

15 years 7 months ago - 15 years 7 months ago #3909 by Greg

as Google said recently:

The <link rel="canonical" href="the url" /> could be great for joomla too.

But actually there's only one module and on plugin to do that.

The module is a little complicated I think and certainly not always very efficient, and at last, this is a module and must be publish on all. So welcome some white blank blocs on some templates.

But there's a much simpler idea emerged from this site Joomla Canonical Tag
This is a little plugin I have tried it today with sef advance (just by replace the com_sh404 by com_sef) and it does it well, except that this is not the SEF rewrite url that is retrieved.

So I'm wondering if it could be a part of the SEF Advance configuration options and with the rewrite url ?
Could be great.

Anyway for the moment we have no idea of the side effects of this tag for joomla.

So what do you think of that ?

Joomla 3.4.3 / SefAdvance 1.8.0 / AJAX Register 1.8.8 / virtuemart / PHP 5.4.43

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15 years 7 months ago - 15 years 7 months ago #3910 by Saka
I thought of it today actually.
Still not sure about benefits since SEF Advance is generating unique URLs anyway, there should be no duplicates. The only duplicate URLs I can think of could appear with 3rd party components or with some custom query string added or so.

Then, since you should specify the canonical URL yourself, I can only see this feasible in manual Alias section, in the same way that you now can add custom title and metadata.
On pages where it's not specified it could be SEF Advance URL generated with request input.

If you have other ideas let me know, will think about it little bit more but I agree it could be added.

Emir Sakic

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15 years 6 months ago - 15 years 6 months ago #3953 by caribk

Still not sure about benefits since SEF Advance is generating unique URLs anyway, there should be no duplicates. The only duplicate URLs I can think of could appear with 3rd party components or with some custom query string added or so.

The custom query string example is the reason I'm looking for this..
I add Google Analytics style landing criteria (utm_src, utm_medium, etc.) to URLs for tracking purposes, so being able to specific the unique SEF Advance URL in a canonical tag would be very beneficial.

The simple way to achieve might be for SEF Advance to just put the unique URL into a global var, which can easily be reference in a template (or is this already available somewhere?):
<link rel='canonical' href='<? echo $sefUniqueURL; ?>'>

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15 years 6 months ago - 15 years 6 months ago #3954 by Greg
Anyway, let's go testing this plugin: (attached too)

And there is a module with sort of parameters approach methods:

Joomla 3.4.3 / SefAdvance 1.8.0 / AJAX Register 1.8.8 / virtuemart / PHP 5.4.43

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15 years 6 months ago #3955 by Saka

The custom query string example is the reason I'm looking for this..
I add Google Analytics style landing criteria (utm_src, utm_medium, etc.) to URLs for tracking purposes, so being able to specific the unique SEF Advance URL in a canonical tag would be very beneficial.

Got it.

The simple way to achieve might be for SEF Advance to just put the unique URL into a global var, which can easily be reference in a template (or is this already available somewhere?):

<link rel='canonical' href='<? echo $sefUniqueURL; ?>'>

Or just make SEF Advance insert it to header automatically.

OK, will probably put it in the next version. Thanks for the input.

Emir Sakic

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