RSS Comments Feed problem

15 years 7 months ago #3914 by graham
I have a problem which I know involves a 3rd Party component, but I think I may have pinpointed something that involves SEF Advance (though I'm not a programmer so could easily be wrong....!).

I have a feed for article comments using Jxtended Comments (see ).

The feed I want to produce should be at:

However, what is produced at this URL is actually the feed from
In other words, just the FrontPage feed, not the feed from the article comments.

If you look at the two feed URLs, somewhere the entire "option=com_comments&view=comments&thread_id=686&" is being missed out by SEF Advance.

When I switch off SEF Advance the feed is correct.

The Component is switched OFF in the component tab of the SEF Advance config.

Also if I rename sef_ext.php. the problem remains.

Also, the cache (both within SEF Advance) and in Global Settings is switched OFF.

So I am stumped as to what could be wrong.

If you could enlighten me that would be wonderful...!

Kind Regards


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15 years 7 months ago #3915 by Saka
Please send a mail with access info. I have never tested this component and can't say anything without debugging.

Emir Sakic

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15 years 7 months ago #3916 by graham
It will be worth testing because it is to become the official method of commenting in Joomla 1.6. It is being integrated into the core Joomla.

What level of access do you need to the backend?

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15 years 7 months ago #3917 by Saka
I need superadmin + FTP.

Emir Sakic

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15 years 7 months ago #3918 by graham
I've set up the appropriate accounts and sent the info in an email to you

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15 years 7 months ago #3949 by Saka
It was a little bug, fixed now in latest SEF Advance 2008.

Emir Sakic

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