Problem with Joomla built-in SEF

15 years 5 months ago #4162 by Mulberry
Hello there,

I'm looking to set up SEF URLs on a Joomla site. I downloaded the SEF Advance trial version to check the component would work on the site, but have not installed it yet, because the documentation says that Joomla's built-in SEF must be working. However when I turn on Joomla's built-in SEF, some of the site doesn't work - some links are dead, or give me 404 "Article not found" errors. Turning on Apache mod_rewrite makes even more pages crash, and I get "Not Found" and "404 Not Found" errors.

I get the same with sh404SEF: most of the site works fine, but some links (the articles in the Blog section, for some reason) don't work or give me "404 - Article #0 not found." Whether with or without .htaccess selected in sh404SEF config > Advanced > Rewriting mode, makes no difference.

I have checked the following:

1. I have an Apache server
2. mod_rewrite is enabled
3. My server allows .htaccess override (I've tried replacing my .htaccess text with "Redirect /google.html " and it does indeed redirect me to Google)
4. SEF URLs are turned on in Joomla Config (giving me, I believe, the line "JConfig { var $sef = '1';" in configuration.php)
5. My htaccess file is called .htaccess (with dot) not htaccess.txt

From other posts on the forum, I think Mr Sakic's first response would probably be that either the .htaccess or mod_rewrite is faulty. But I asked my webhost who says there is no problem with the server setup. (They might of course be wrong?)

It's a bit of a puzzle, but I'd like to install this component so I'd appreciate suggestions. I've looked at the forums etc but don't see anything quite like this, apologies if I missed something.

I am running Joomla 1.5.2, Apache version 2.2.11 (Unix), PHP version 5.2.6, on a Linux server.

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15 years 5 months ago - 15 years 5 months ago #4163 by Saka
They are probably wrong. :)
mod_rewrite doesn't seem to be working. Do you get any of the SEF URLs working? Because if mod_rewrite is faulty then absolutely no link works.

Emir Sakic

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15 years 5 months ago #4179 by Morus
I am Mulberry's colleague (he has gone away for a few days) and I am trying to get to the bottom of this problem while he is away.

Saka, Thank you for your reply.

In answer to your query. Yes, when Joomla's built-in SEF is switched on we do get SEF URLs across the site except for:-
1) in the archive module (mod_archive ) where we get '404 - Article #12 not found' message,    AND
2) in the mXcomment blog component where the URL's are shorter but in the format www.ourwebiste/index.php/blog/201?task=view .

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15 years 5 months ago #4184 by Saka
It's best to send a mail for specific issues like this. If you have index.php in URLs then you mod_rewrite is not activated.

Emir Sakic

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