adding vodes help

15 years 8 months ago #4663 by badT18
Hey thanks for the great plug-in
im just looking for a lil bit of help im a noob when it comes to php but i do understand some of it and get the idea of it
im looking for a code that when a vistors  clicks on a ad on my site it rewards them a couple of vodes but im guessing that wud be fairly easy to get the php code 4 that but my problem is we only make money from a ad when the vistors click on them for the first time and be pointless having it so the vistor can click reclick and get 100 vodes in a couple of mins

Just wounding if u could help me here please
but i wud also like to thanks for this plug-in

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15 years 8 months ago #4664 by Saka
You could track the visitor by cookie and/or IP and save them in database.
As you would reward them with vodes then they would have to be logged in, so you could save their username too and not allow further credits once they are added.

Anyway, it requires custom coding.

Emir Sakic

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15 years 8 months ago #4668 by badT18
thanks for the reply
just wounding if you be up to doing the coding for me? we would pay you for it and if so what price you be looking at there would be a couple of things we would want nodes to be able to do with the custom coding

if anyone else is up to do custom coding for us please email me on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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15 years 8 months ago #4670 by Saka
Contact me on mail for a quote please.

Emir Sakic

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