Specific paypal account settings?

15 years 5 months ago #4934 by Syllus
First off I want to say thank you for developing this component.  This has the exact functionality that I needed for my latest hairbrained idea!  :)  

I am however having an interesting issue.  I have set this up with paypal sandbox and it works flawlessly, down to the last bit.  However when I run it through my live paypal account it says the transactionw is successful and returns me to the website where i see the success message, but no credits are added to the account and the log holds an email error message: "Not Primary PayPal email: emailAddress@Here".  I am fairly certain that this is simply something screwy in my paypal account settings but I am not sure which settings and where at.  Does anyone know where this issue could be being caused in the paypal account system?

Note:  The email it returns as bad is one of my emails but it is not my paypal account email.  However I cannot find that email setup anywhere in the account profile/settings.

Thanks in advance to whomever can show me how stupid I am being and remind me where / what to set for this.
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15 years 5 months ago #4935 by Saka
The system requires payment to the primary email of your account if you have several emails added under your paypal account.

If you want to be able to use any of your PayPal emails comment out this line in /components/com_vodes/controller.php
line 116:
//$output .= "Not Primary PayPal email: $receiver_email\r\n";

Emir Sakic
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15 years 5 months ago #4939 by Syllus
Well the confusing thing was that I only had one email on the account.  I finally figured it out though, one of my wifes old accounts had a couple of emails on it (one of which was the one that kep showing up in the logs) and I am not sure how but it was connecting the two accounts through the emails somehow.  As soon as I removed all of my emails from her account it started working great.  Thanks for the reply and the component.  :)
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