Install was ok now what any manual?

18 years 3 months ago #30 by lexz

I installed Vodes and I managed to test the purchase of credits using the paypal sandbox.
I now would like to know how to configure that the download of an item costs some amount of credits.
I can't find any manual for Vodes.
Hope anyone can help. Thanks in advance.



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18 years 3 months ago - 18 years 3 months ago #40 by Saka
With Vodes you can allow users to purchase the credits (vodes) on your site.

The component handles the payments adding the user credits automatically to the database using the PayPal IPN system. It also has administration of the credits and configuration in the backend.

The PayPal Sandbox test mode, automail, error log and change of language are supported.

So, the Vodes component is made ONLY for automatic purchase of credits using PayPal and auto-adding of credits to a user account. It is not made for spending the credits!

The credits are, however, stored in the database and can be used very easily by other components, modules or custom programmed scripts. Therefore the spending part is left for the user to implement in any way he / she needs it.

It could be to vote for articles and polls, donate, finance the development of information goods, access various areas and other purposes of your choice.

Here is the code to use in your components / modules / mambots / custom scripts for spending the credits.

To decrement user's account:
$database->setQuery( "
UPDATE #__vode_credits 
SET credit=credit-1 
WHERE userid='$my->id'
" );

To read user's balance:
$database->setQuery( "
SELECT * FROM #__vode_credits 
WHERE userid='$my->id'
" );
$row = null;
$balance = $row->credit;

Emir Sakic

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16 years 8 months ago #2822 by adamwil
How Do I Does This I Am Useing The Add Content Page feature built into the base of joomla 1.5.0

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16 years 7 months ago #3134 by jolmeda
Saka...  congrats, this is a great component, but I have some concerns with it.  None for nothing but since most of joomla users are not familiar with PHP development, why you made the component only for purchase of credits and nothing to spend them.

I suggest that you should post a How to do everything with Vodes...  or say how much we have to donate in order to make this component available for spend those credits.

In my case, I have a music website and we are going to have Live Concerts (Pay-per-view) and they are going to use their credits to see these concerts.  We also gonna  have contests to win Vodes and other stuff.

Do Vodes works with VirtueMart or any other shopping cart system?

Please help us, brother!

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16 years 7 months ago - 16 years 7 months ago #3137 by Saka
Because every user want to spend credits on different stuff. You need to allow users to see concerts, someone want to sell images, others want to sell access to articles etc. So everyone can implement spending of credits within his own custom component with a plugin or 3 lines of custom code. There is no way to make an universal solution.

Integrating it with a shopping cart is possible but then it needs maintenance because every change in the shopping card component would need an update within the Vodes. I am not interesting in doing this but maybe someone else is, this is a GPL component after all. Don't think donations is solution, usually only 1 or 2 people donate and nothing goes off.

Emir Sakic

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16 years 7 months ago #3139 by jolmeda
I do understand.


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