Vodes for Joomla 1.5

16 years 6 months ago - 16 years 6 months ago #3163 by rakib
Vodes for Joomla 1.5 is attached here. Also can be downloaded from www.mediafire.com/?jnyrazt6zwn . It is tested with Joomla 1.5.5. Hope for the best

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16 years 6 months ago #3182 by jolmeda
Rakib, how can you be reached to be ask for several questions regardind this great component and the way you implemented it on your site.

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16 years 6 months ago #3188 by rakib
To install this component in Joomla 1.5 first enable System - Legacy plugin ( Extensions -> Plugin Manager -> system-legacy) and then install it. Hope every thing will work fine.
If you get any problem just put a message in this thread. I will try to reply it.

* I forgot to mention that the component is tweaked to get it working in Joomla! 1.5. So this modified component only works if legacy mode is on.

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16 years 6 months ago #3193 by jolmeda
I just wanted to know what system are you using for expend your Vodes.  I have a music site, and we want to use the vodes to download songs and cds, to sell clothes, and to pay some Live events that we are going to have available on our site, like pay per view, but using the Vodes.

I know it's a lot of stuff but we want to offer our users great features, and we feel that vodes is the best way, since you pay for them and you select how to expend them.

I was thinking about installing VirtueMart, but with it, there's no way to charge the Live Events.  What do you suggest?

Thanks a lot

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16 years 6 months ago #3194 by serge06

Vodes for Joomla 1.5 is attached here. Also can be downloaded from www.mediafire.com/?jnyrazt6zwn . It is tested with Joomla 1.5.5. Hope for the best

Could you please clarify or give an example how to use your included file vodes_util.php for some of us who are not yet PHP inclined?

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16 years 6 months ago - 16 years 6 months ago #3195 by rakib
@jolmeda and serge06

I just wanted to know what system are you using for expend your Vodes. 

I am using a image gallery site where each vode is spent upon each image upload. so I tweaked image gallery code and used my vodes_util.php to spend the vode. Here goes the code:
// keep vodes_util.php in the same directory as your file(i.e spend.php) where you will write code for spending
// that is both vodes_util.php and spend.php will be in the same directory
// and use the following line in spend.php
$my = & JFactory::getUser();
$uid = $my -> id;
$vode = new Vodes();
if( $vode -> getVodes( $uid ) <= 0){ // if not enough vode
  $mainframe->redirect( JRoute::_("index.php?option=com_vodes") , JText::_('You do not have enough credits. So please buy credits to upload'));
       $vode -> updateVodes( $uid ); // spend one vode from user's current crdits/vodes
Here each time spending only one vode. you should change according to your needs.

I have a music site, and we want to use the vodes to download songs and cds, to sell clothes, and to pay some Live events that we are going to have available on our site, like pay per view, but using the Vodes.

I know it's a lot of stuff but we want to offer our users great features, and we feel that vodes is the best way, since you pay for them and you select how to expend them.

I was thinking about installing VirtueMart, but with it, there's no way to charge the Live Events.  What do you suggest?

Thanks a lot

For example, to download songs and cds if you charge 5 vodes then you have to change updateVodes function( in vodes_util.php ) and should replace
$sql = "UPDATE #__vode_credits SET credit=credit-1 WHERE userid='$uid'";
$sql = "UPDATE #__vode_credits SET credit=credit-5 WHERE userid='$uid'";
and then do according to the above mentioned code. You may write similar code for rest of your needs. Best of luck!

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