sms and vodes

15 years 11 months ago #4052 by iceribbo
super work on this one.

i have installed mysms in joomla 1.5 and would like my users to purchase vodes as sms credits, i am a noob with vodes and would like some help

i am sure its a simple way this can be done


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15 years 11 months ago #4069 by iceribbo

i am still trying to make this work and am looking for some help, would somone be able to change the database location to add the credits to _mysms_jommlauser instead of the normal db  _vode_credits, the mysms text msg credit system takes the credits off _mysms_joomlauser database so i would not be using the spend.php file. all i want to do is add credits to the mysms database,  i have had a go but no credits are added using the sandbox

thanks ribs

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15 years 3 weeks ago #5231 by iceribbo
hi again stll no reply,  please if anyone can make mysms work with vodes , all i want is vodes to add the credits purchased to mysms. i am willing to pay for help or support to anyone who can do this for me.

thanks again i would love this to work on my site as its so basic and n complicated

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