Hardcoded text

18 years 1 month ago #159 by teesquared
Hi Emir.
Since you helped to get the WAP portal installed everything has been fine. Thankyou!
However, I want to modify the front page header. The instructions for the logo work, but I want to modify the stock "welcome to our wap portal" text. I have looked high and low, but cannot find this text. How can I change it?



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18 years 1 month ago #160 by Saka

You can change that and all other dialog strings in the language file:

Emir Sakic

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18 years 1 month ago #161 by teesquared
Many thanks Emir, I just didn't think to look in the language files, even although I scanned those files for the text string.

All ok now regarding the inbuilt text.

Although I am experiencing some success in Japan with the dominant Japanese system DoCoMo (imode) which uses cHTML, some things do not work on imode handsets. For example, using RSS feeds, the headlines appear as plain text, but no hyperling is provided.

I am trying to provide a service with imode, AU (basically wap), and Softbank, (The old Vodafone Japan). imode appears to be the main problem in its partial support since the cHTML tags are different.

Have you thought about an imode version of this CMS?
Also on the wish list would be integrated login and password access for certain directories.

It is a nice product and I hope this feedback helps.

Best regards


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18 years 1 month ago #162 by Saka

Have you thought about an imode version of this CMS?

Not really since we don't have iMode here in Europe (except for some operaters in The Netherlands).

Also on the wish list would be integrated login and password access for certain directories.

That's definately on my TODO list as it's one of the most requested features.


Emir Sakic

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