The new version of SEF Advance offers new features. You can further optimize your content by automatically adding some important SEO elements to your content. If activated, SEF Advance will insert H1 tags to your article titles, append titles to your "Read more..." hyperlinks and add picture descriptions to the article images with empty Alt-text.
The H1 tags for titles, alt-text in image tags and meaningful hyperlinks are important factors for Search Engine Optimization and accessibility of your website content. The automatic tool available in SEF Advance will help by automatically inserting them without need for hacking the core.
The new content SEO settings are now available both in SEF Advance v5.7 for Joomla! 1.0 and SEF Advance 2008 v1.4 for Joomla! 1.5.
The upgrade is free for current customers at the automatic download page. To upgrade from previous version export your settings, uninstall the old version, install the new one and import the settings again. No data will be lost.
New customers can order SEF Advance here: BUY NOW!
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