Read more for example URLs and free download for all SEF Advance users! By default, your Hot Property URLs look something like:
Property: http://domain/menu-title/9_condos/306_cartago-condo
Type listing: http://domain/menu-title/types/6_apartments
Company listing: http://domain/menu-title/companies/2_company-name
Agent listing: http://domain/menu-title/companies/2_company-name/3_agent-name
With SEF Advance and this extension these URLs become:
Property: http://domain/hotproperty/condos/cartago-condo/
Type listing: http://domain/hotproperty/apartments/
Company listing: http://domain/hotproperty/companies/company-name/
Agent listing: http://domainhotproperty/companies/company-name/agent-name/
Other Hot Property layouts are also covered by advanced URLs, like Company Properties listing, All Agents and All Companies listing, Contacts, Search, Manage, pagination, ordering etc.
You will notice that the links do not contain any ID numbers, only the keywords. You will also get a single unique URL to each page, avoiding duplicate content issues which are common when using default Joomla SEF.
To install the extension just upload the provided file sef_ext.php to Hot Property's component directoy: ./components/com_hotproperty/
Current SEF Advance users can download the extension for free at our SEF extensions page.
New customers get SEF Advance here and then download extensions for 3rd party components at no additional charge.