You can display AJAX Recommend in the main body of your Joomla! / Mambo site and get a component appearance. As AJAX Recommend is built as a module, you need to load it in the content of a static page using a mambot. Follow these instructions:

  • Create a static page (typed content). You can name it "Recommend".
  • In the "Text" area enter: {mosloadposition user9} (on Joomla! 1.5: )
  • While you are there you might want to edit page parameters and hide author name, created/modified date and time, PDF/Print/Email icons etc.
  • Save the page and link it to main menu.
  • Now go to your module manager and edit AJAX Recommend module.
  • Assign the module to position "user9" and select show on "All" pages in "Menu Item Link(s)" selection.
  • You might also want to adjust parameters so the module appearance fit the wider main body area. You can increase input field sizes etc.
  • Save the module.
  • If you click on "Recommend" link in your main menu now you will see AJAX Recommend module loaded in the main body area and appearing as a component.

Make sure that file ./modules/mod_ajaxrecommend/mod_ajaxrecommend.php has sufficient rights (at least CHMOD 644, or if that doesn't work, try 755). If directory modules/mod_ajaxrecommend/ is CHMOD 777 change it to 755.
Try to access the file directly through your browser ( You should get a text response and not Error 500 nor Error 403.

Yes, you can simply replace the file: ./modules/mod_ajaxrecommend/loading.gif with a gif image of your choice. Make sure that the file has the same name.

Yes, AJAX Recommend is compatible with Joomla! 1.5 natively and doesn't require legacy mode.

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We provide high quality Joomla components created by a co-founder and original core developer of Joomla. For over a decade, our products have been used by more than 20.000 webmasters around the world.

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