Some chars not replaced

15 years 5 months ago #4231 by klp29

Thanks for a great component!

I have a problem, though.

In my REPLACE CHARS, I have:


But the URLør-i-få-bekræftet.html is only partly translated, as it ends up asæftet.html where "æ" in "bekræftet" is not translated to "ae" as it should.

Any idea why / how to fix this?

:] Have a smiley day

Kenneth Lund

Using SefAdvanced at: - online weddingplanning - personal blog - social network for producers

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15 years 5 months ago #4232 by klp29
It's very strange, because in another URL on the same site, "æ" in "planlægning" IS replaced by" ae":

:] Have a smiley day

Kenneth Lund

Using SefAdvanced at: - online weddingplanning - personal blog - social network for producers

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15 years 5 months ago #4233 by klp29
Also, in my Custom Component Strings, I have:


But still, jrevies shows up unchanged in URLs like:

Which really should be

:] Have a smiley day

Kenneth Lund

Using SefAdvanced at: - online weddingplanning - personal blog - social network for producers

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15 years 5 months ago - 15 years 5 months ago #4234 by Saka
It is all to jReviews and its SEF extension and whether or not it uses SEF Advances replace functions. So please talk to jReviews author about that.

About the replace jreviews=>anbefalinger it should work if the component has sef_ext.php and not using router.php (check that sef_ext.php exists). Also try removing new lines and test with:

Emir Sakic

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15 years 5 months ago #4235 by klp29
Yes, this is the sef_ext.php script that we use - we have never had problems like this before i jReviews:
 * jReviews - Reviews Extension
 * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Alejandro Schmeichler
 * This is not free software, do not distribute it.
 * For licencing information visit
 * or contact

(defined( '_VALID_MOS') || defined( '_JEXEC')) or die( 'Direct Access to this location is not allowed.' );

if (!defined('DS')) define('DS', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);

class sef_jreviews {
	var $__Menu;
	function &getInstance() {

		static $instance = array();

		if (!isset($instance[0]) || !$instance[0]) {
			$instance[0] =& new sef_jreviews();
			require( dirname(__FILE__) . DS . 'jreviews' . DS . 'framework.php');


			$instance[0]->__Menu = &RegisterClass::getInstance('MenuModel');
		return $instance[0];

	function create($string) {

		$_this =& sef_jreviews::getInstance();
		$url = '';
		$hasMenuId = preg_match('/Itemid=([0-9]{1,})/',$string,$menu_id);
		$isMenuLink = strpos($string,'url=menu');
		$sefstring = '';
		// Process internal "url" parameter
		$temp = explode('&url=', $string);

		if(isset($temp[1])) {
			$url = urldecode($temp[1]);
		if (eregi('&url=',$string) && !$isMenuLink) 
			$query_string = explode('/',$url);
			// Properly urlencodes the jReviews parameters contained within the url parameter
			foreach($query_string AS $key=>$param) {
				$query_string[$key] = urlencodeParam($param);
			$url = implode('/',$query_string);
			$sefstring .= $url;
		} elseif(isset($menu_id[1]) && ($isMenuLink || $hasMenuId)) {

			$sefstring .= $isMenuLink ? str_replace('menu',$_this->__Menu->getMenuName($menu_id[1]),$url) : $_this->__Menu->getMenuName($menu_id[1]);
		} else {
			$sefstring = $string;
		return rtrim($sefstring,'/').'/';

	function revert ($url_array, $pos) {

		$_PARAM_CHAR = ':';
		$url = array();
		$_this =& sef_jreviews::getInstance();

		global $QUERY_STRING;
		// First check if this is a menu link by looking for the menu name to get an Itemid
		if(isset($url_array[$pos+2]) && $menu_id = $_this->__Menu->getMenuId($url_array[$pos+2])) {
			$_GET['Itemid'] = $_REQUEST['Itemid'] = $menu_id;
			$QUERY_STRING = "option=com_jreviews&Itemid=$menu_id";

			for($i=$pos+2;$i<count($url_array);$i++) {
				if($url_array[$i] != '' && false!==strpos($url_array[$i],$_PARAM_CHAR)) {
					$parts = explode($_PARAM_CHAR,$url_array[$i]);
					if(isset($parts[1]) && $parts[1]!='') {
						$url[] = $url_array[$i];
						$_GET[$parts[0]] = $_REQUEST[$parts[0]] = $parts[1];

			$QUERY_STRING .= '&url=menu/' . implode('/',$url);

		} else {

			// Not a menu link, so we use the url named param
			for($i=$pos+2;$i<count($url_array);$i++) {
				if($url_array[$i] != '') {
					$url[] = $url_array[$i];

			$url = implode('/',$url);
			if(preg_match('/_m([0-9]+)/',$url,$matches)) {
				$menu_id = $_GET['Itemid'] = $_REQUEST['Itemid'] = $matches[1];
			} else {				
				$menu_id = $_GET['Itemid'] = $_REQUEST['Itemid'] = '';
			$_GET['url'] = $_REQUEST['url'] = $url;
			$_GET['option'] = $_REQUEST['option'] = 'com_jreviews';

			$QUERY_STRING = "option=com_jreviews&Itemid=$menu_id&url=$url";
//			return $QUERY_STRING;		


:] Have a smiley day

Kenneth Lund

Using SefAdvanced at: - online weddingplanning - personal blog - social network for producers

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15 years 5 months ago - 15 years 5 months ago #4236 by Saka
As I already said: talk to Alejandro! I can't debug every SEF extension for each component and can't build extension for each new component either. It is author's responsibility.

To find out what's wrong I would have to install it and test it, can't say what's wrong from the top of my head. And it takes time, I don't even have a copy of jReviews. Then fixing it only for you would still leave the issue in author's distribution and other users would still have the same problem. It is by far best for the author to fix it and include in his distribution.

Emir Sakic

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