CB pagination not working with CB_ext_sef

17 years 4 months ago - 17 years 4 months ago #683 by thoeri

great. I understand that you can't support all kind of components and plug-ins. I just thouht that you would like to know bugs and possible improvments since this can make you own product more attractive to buy and use. CB is of course a very common component and so is the cb gallery. Cb_gallery, the forum tab and profile book are made of the CB core developers and widely used.

I just hoped that there was a way to make the extension work on all tabs pagination - no matter of plug-in. If the extension wasn't encoded I might have been able to do adjustments to it to get it to work with my cb plug-ins. Except tab for the forum I use tab for cb gallery, cb profile book, mosTree listings. And it is annoying that the pagination doesn´t work. Is it necessary to have the encoding when it is a free extension? It might be a stupid question, so please do not be offended.

If there is no way to get pagination to work on my tabs I will most probably have to drop the extension. And that would be a shame. But I cannot have a site where the profile page doesn't work realle well.

I think SEF Advanced is a good product and I really hope there is a way to solve the paginations. Hope there is a way to get pagination to work on any tab no matter of plug in.


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17 years 4 months ago - 17 years 4 months ago #687 by Saka
I think it would be hard to make generic pagination for all plugins unless they follow some kind of pattern which I will have to take another look on.

If the extension wasn't encoded I might have been able to do adjustments to it to get it to work with my cb plug-ins.

That's questionable, it would again fall on me to support it. This is the only extension that I release encoded but I do my best to support it, even though I said I will not.

But, I understand your position and will try to find an universal solution.

Emir Sakic

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17 years 4 months ago #688 by thoeri
Hi Emir

Sound good to me. Maybe there is a generic way. That would be the best for all parts.


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17 years 4 months ago #726 by thoeri
Just curious to see if you have found I way to solve the pagination yet?


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17 years 4 months ago #729 by Saka
It is on my to-do list. Will report back soon.

Emir Sakic

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17 years 4 months ago #751 by Saka
OK, it has been fixed now. The extension will support pagination for all tabs generically.

Download the new extension and test.

Emir Sakic

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