Duplicate Title Tags

15 years 10 months ago #3399 by mrmckeen
I don't know if SEF Advanced can help me with this or not (maybe I don't have a setting correct).  Google WebCentral reports that I have 1,400 Duplicate Content Tags.  They most come from the list of categories under a section (see screeshot below).  So I assume when Googlebot crawls the site it sees each page of content listings as a new page but with the same Title Tag on the page.  Does that make sense?

If that is the problem is there anyway to fix it?

Thanks very much!!

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15 years 10 months ago #3400 by Saka
You would get the same result even if SEF Advance wasn't installed.
So maybe you can install some plugin to alter the titles on different pages, or hack the core to do so, if you think that's a big problem.

Emir Sakic

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15 years 10 months ago #3401 by mrmckeen
Thanks very much for the quick reply.  In your experience does this hurt your Google rank in the search engine?

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15 years 10 months ago #3402 by *Salvo*
Of course yes, a bit.
If Google has a cache with the all 'old' urls, and now you submit the new url's setting (eg. with a sitemap), this is the result.
It doesn't mean that this depends from Sef Advance, but from the new architecture that google needs time to crawl, accept and takes as definitive url. You need time to have a great result. But really great.
In addition Sef Advance will hold 'alive' the all backlinks if some site still point to a content of your old style url.
From FAQ, the main things I've followed are:

configure your Sef Advance (without enabling any cache)

be sure that the setting works and is valid checking components and so on.

enable cache

Tags like alt and h1 are very important, even if maybe in some case you have to hack your template.css

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15 years 10 months ago - 15 years 10 months ago #3403 by Saka
You could, of course, add manual alias to each of such links and define different title with SEF Advance. Maybe I could add a setting to SEF Advance later on to automatically alter titles for pages with pagination, if this shows to be important for SEO. I don't know how important it is, would love to hear some expert opinions.

Emir Sakic

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15 years 10 months ago #3407 by ekal
Hi Guys

My view is that the problem is not Joomla or SEF Advance but pagination itself.

After all, what is the point of pagination? Does anyone say "I really want to go to page 68 of the blog?" No - they use the search.

Even if they do go to page 68, what would a good title be? "Sakic.net Blog - Page 68"? The content changes all the time so we can't find a good page title for changing content.

I think the best pagination is simply Next / Previous or just leaving it out entirely.

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