Alias/Redirect Problems with 5.5

16 years 9 months ago - 16 years 9 months ago #1807 by DCB
The new alias functions while i'm sure useful for many break one way I was using them.

Our ratings section exists here:

I was using the alias function to redirect to this page

The problem seems to be is that if I try and set up an alias not it sets up a replacement url for anything that contains

I tried using the new 301 redirect, but that doesn't seem to do anything at all.

For now i just coded in a 301 redirect into my .htaccess, just wondering if there is another way to use the alias function.

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16 years 9 months ago #1811 by Saka
For redirects you should set a custom redirect and not alias.

If it doesn't work please check the documentation and see if you enter it in correct format.

Emir Sakic

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16 years 9 months ago #1821 by Rijndejonge
Hello Saka,

Read documentation and searched the forum. But I do not get the use of an alias in the way you mentioned it above.

I would like to rename let's say:
"index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=6&Itemid=8" to "Agenda"
But the screen blanks on me and I have to login in the admin mode of joomla again. And there is no alias's empty as it was (After deleting the example of newsflash)
It look promising because I can also set a different page title and keywords and description. It is all I want and I would lave it.

But were am I missing a point here?

Hope you can help me out

Thanks in advance,


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16 years 9 months ago #1822 by pixeldigital1
I have exactly the same problem in Alias section

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16 years 9 months ago #1823 by Saka
The error with blank page was a bug. It has been corrected in v5.5.4 so please download the latest version and try again.

Emir Sakic

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16 years 8 months ago #1947 by kiwi2b
I seem to be getting this blank screen problem too, and I'm using 5.5.5!

That is, I paste in a non-sef url (of the front end of a non supported component), type in the alias, save it, and the SEF component page just goes blank on me. When I open up a fresh page, navigate back to the alias page in SEF and it shows as not being saved.

Not having done this before I hope I'm doing it right.

Any thoughts anybody...

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